Religious Education Enrollment Form 2022-2023

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Be sure to scroll down below Parent/Guardian Information to enter Child(ren) Information and Photo Release option.
Parent/Guardian 1 Information

Please select all that apply.
Parent/Guardian 2

Please select all that apply.
Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Child 5

Photo Release

RE staff will occasionally take photos to be used in publications or on the web. Please check "No" if you DO NOT consent to your child's image being used in such a manner.
Please select all that apply.
Directory Listing

By default, the names and contact information of children are not visible in the WUU online directory. If you would like your child's name and contact information to be visible to WUU members and friends instead, please check "Yes" below.
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit.